The pieces below are all components of a project completed in 2024 for a national organization dedicated to men’s personal growth, that needed new ways to train volunteer event staff for intercultural competency in their interactions with participants in the dozens of training events it hosts annually at locations throughout the United States. All elements were designed and developed in consultation with the national coordinator.

eLearning course on desktop screen

E-learning course development

Intercultural Competency Training – this hour-long asynchronous e-learning course is the core element of the training solution I developed. The training journey is built on a variety of narrated segments, scenario animation videos, and self-assessments.

Instructor-led training

This virtual ILT on intercultural awareness skills is for a virtual instructor-led module in the form of a one-hour Zoom meeting for a team of 30-40 participants. It follows the asynchronous e-learning course, to allow hands-on practice with teammates.

Slide deck PDF | Slide deck Canva animated

Trainer guide document image

Trainer guide (PDF)


Here are several of the animated scenario videos developed in Vyond as component of the e-learning course.

Job aid infographic for intercultural competency skills

Job aid/infographic

A quick reference infographic (PDF) on intercultural awareness skills.

Design process

These are components of the design phase for the e-learning course shown above.

Case study

This case study presents background and further findings on the projects described above.