The components below are designed to enable efficient delivery of intercultural competency training for NWTA staff or other groups.
To provide feedback, please use the form at the bottom of this page.

eLearning course on desktop screen

E-learning course

Intercultural Competence Training – this hour-long asynchronous e-learning course is the core element of the remote training solution. The training journey is built on a variety of narrated segments, scenario animation videos, and self-assessments.

Instructor-led training

This module is for a virtual instructor-led session in the form of a one-hour Zoom NWTA staff meeting; or for use in in-person leadership trainings. It is intended to follow the asynchronous e-learning course, to allow hands-on practice with teammates.

Slide deck PDF | Slide deck PowerPoint

Trainer guide document image

Trainer guide PDF to guide the trainer using the slides.

Participant guide PDF to be distributed to participants by email or in person before the training session.

Job aid infographic for intercultural competency skills

Quick reference infographic

A quick reference infographic (PDF) on intercultural awareness skills (included in the participant guide).

Provide feedback

You can also contact Nate directly at 617-899-3136 or