A Light Within it belongs to me give what you have we are the children finding disturbed want to kill knock at the door given to dogs the well is empty drunk the world it will be burned good seed the leaders say carrying the sickle pull them up not allowed entry they took off their clothes in the sky thrusting the sword strife in the house think he did not let them give the jar handle broke the hid the keys the man of power he said to them a jar of meal she didn't notice the fish conspicuous living in a field come to know your father a distant road he drew his sword when? prepare gone hungry find rest the two fill the stomach in your presence war on guard made into one the builder the birds they stand alone ears outside remove it understand the sword it spilled behind her seeking take it off kill the one with power be on guard return it thrown out with the manure break in come and give inside you become children she set it down persecuted they say, look trouble will come give what you have the owners the crop ripened seeking throwing pearls what might pigs do a thief when? the enemy came in the sea the woman carried the jar