“Shared metacognition (MC) exists at the intersection of the cognitive and teaching presence constructs and goes to the heart of a deep and meaningful educational learning experience.” – thecommunityofinquiry.org

“I envy just knowing how to do it – to believe in this completely far-fetched, phantasmagorical situation…. Religion in society, it’s not smart, it’s not sexy. But, in the world of painting, faith and religion manifest themselves as higher intelligence. You look at ‘Sacred Conversation’ and it’s kind of absurd not to believe in God, in the context of that painting. All the great magic geniuses, belief is everything – it is the talent.” – Artist John Currin, on the art of Lisa Yuskavage, New Yorker, Aug. 2023

“All these disciplines collectively negate free will because they are all interlinked, constituting the same ultimate body of knowledge.” – Neurobiologist Robert Sapolsky

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